Saturday, April 7, 2012

Chapter 16: Spending Eternity in the Same Place

In this chapter Rebecca talks to Henrietta's cousin Cliff, here's she learns about a lot of the Lackeses family history. He showed her the family cemetery and told her about the white family members as well. He told her that since they were spending eternity in the same place they must have worked out their problems; they were all buried in the Lacks family cemetery. Rebecca also talked to Carlton and Ruby Lacks, two white Lacks cousins, who denied having any relation to the black Lacks and said they just adopted their last name because their family were their salve holders. Rebecca talked to Henrietta's cousin Gladys as well and she said that there is no question that they are kin. She then told Rebecca about Henrietta's sister Lillian, perhaps the only living sibling Henrietta still had, and how she thought people were trying to kill her since whites were asking questions about Henrietta and the family. It was evident that race was still a big issue in Clover.

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